Offre de post-doc au Helmholtz Intitute Freiberg for Resource Technology

The position for a post-doctoral researcher (or a seasoned post-graduate) with focus on mineral spectroscopy and drill core scanning is now open. Dead line is Jan. 31st 2016.

The position is officially limited to 2 years but future options are open if the candidate is successful. Salary in not negotiable: there is a federal salary scale. Depending on your experience you will get a TV-B 13 with level 1,2 or 3. You can get a rough idea here (

What do we expect from the candidate: Play with the new equipment (A SPECIM SisuRock with hyperspectral cameras) and do good science within the “exploration” division as well as develop the interface with the divisions “analytics” and “modelling”. Focus: REE-In-Ga-Ge-W-Tn in all kind of mineral phases.

The idea is to develop the analysis of complex mineral systems at different scales using hyperspectral techniques.


  • PhD degree in the field of mineral spectroscopy or Master’s degree in Earth Sciences with a strong professional background in mineral spectroscopy
  • interdisciplinary thinking, independent scientific work and active communication with scientific partners
  • in-depth knowledge in the areas of geological hyperspectral imaging and mineral spectroscopy


  • installation and operation of a modern drillcore scanner with hyperspectral cameras (VNIR-SWIR-MWIR-LWIR)
  • development of new methodologies for the semi-automatic identification of complex minerals in drillcores
  • support of the development of adequate image processing
  • development of the interface between the divisions exploration, analytics and modelling
  • acquisition of third-party funding
  • data acquisition and reporting

Official link to apply is:

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any enquiries. Forward this info to any potential candidate.


Division Exploration Technology (Head)

Remote Sensing Group (Head)

Helmholtz Intitute Freiberg for Resource Technology    +493512604424