IEEE Whispers 2015: special session on urban areas

Dear colleagues,

This is an invitation to submit a paper on the topic for a special session on “Hyperspectral imagery for urban areas” that we are preparing for the upcoming 7th IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (IEEE Whispers) that will be held in Tokyo, Japan on 2-5 June 2015 ( The objective of this session is to present your recent research work on the benefits of using hyperspectral imagery to improve the knowledge about urban areas.

The people involved in the organization of this session are Dr. Xavier Briottet, from ONERA, France and Dr. Peter Reinartz, from DLR, Germany. We would be greatly honored if you could contribute a paper on your most recent research to our session and present your work in Tokyo.

If this is the case, please provide us with a tentative title and list of authors for your contribution so that we can include it in our proposal for the special session. The deadline for submission of special sessions to this event is January 15, 2015. The deadline for submitting the 4-page full paper to the workshop is January 31, 2015.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you would be able to accept this invitation so that we can plan our session accordingly. We greatly appreciate your kind consideration to submit your recent research work to this special session and very much look forward to your participation in this event.


MAHI’14: Methodological Aspects of Hyperspectral Imaging, 15th December 2014, Nice

The University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, the CNRS, and the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur organize the 3rd edition of the one-day workshop Methodological Aspects of Hyperspectral Imaging: MAHI’14.

The scope of the MAHI’14 workshop is to explore new pathways that can potentially lead to breakthroughs in the extraction of the informative content of hyperspectral images. It will bring together researchers involved in hyperspectral image processing and in various innovative aspects of data processing.

This one-day workshop will consist of 5 plenary lectures given by an outstanding lineup of expert researchers: Tulay Adali, Michal Shimoni, Stephen McLaughlin, Marco Lops and Nicolas Gillis.

Please visit the website

There is no registration fee, but registration is mandatory.

9th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015

EARSeL’s Special Interest Group on Imaging Spectroscopy aims to encourage international discussions among specialists working with innovative Earth Observation technologies.

The 9th meeting, jointly organized by Trier University and the CRP – Gabriel Lippmann, builds on the 8 previous successful workshops and will be held in Luxembourg in April 2015.

The workshop will cover all themes related to imaging spectroscopy. Hyperspectral remote sensing has started to move from a largely airborne to a fully spaceborne capability with the development of a number of satellite spectrometers, which will be launched in the next few years. Nevertheless, we find an increasing number of airborne and UAV-based systems in the research community with many new possible applications. At the same time the latest imaging spectrometers measure not just the traditional visible and near-infrared regions, but now also cover fluorescence and the thermal- and mid-infrared regions. These technical developments have fostered a number of groundbreaking research fields.

More details: EARSeL-IS-2015.pdf

Bilan du 3ème colloque scientifique SFPT-GH – 15 et 16 mai 2014, IGESA Porquerolles

Le 3ème colloque scientifique du groupe thématique « Imagerie hyperspectrale » de la SFPT s’est tenu les 15 et 16 mai 2014 à l’IGESA Porquerolles. Le bilan du colloque ainsi que les présentations et les posters sont téléchargeables dans la rubrique correspondante :

Manifestations / Colloques / 3ème colloque scientifique / Programme, présentations et posters

La participation importante et l’augmentation du niveau scientifique des présentations confirment l’intérêt de ce rendez-vous annuel de la communauté hyperspectrale française.

Annonce du 3ème colloque scientifique SFPT-GH – 15 et 16 mai 2014, IGESA Porquerolles

Le Groupe Hyperspectral de la SFPT (SFPT-GH) a pour but de fédérer la communauté hyperspectrale française, d’assurer sa visibilité sur le plan international et de faciliter les échanges scientifiques. Les deux premiers colloques qui se sont tenus en avril 2011 à Paris et en juin 2012 à Toulouse ont réuni plus de 80 participants. Forts de ce succès, nous organisons les 15 et 16 mai 2014 le 3ème colloque scientifique du groupe thématique « Imagerie hyperspectrale » de la SFPT portant sur des thèmes aussi variés que les géosciences, la végétation, les milieux littoraux et urbains, l’atmosphère, la planétologie, l’instrumentation, les méthodes de traitement, etc.

Ce colloque sera l’opportunité de :

  • partager les informations sur les avancées les plus récentes dans le domaine des instruments, des méthodes et des algorithmes développés pour exploiter les données hyperspectrales,
  • présenter les projets nationaux et internationaux de missions spatiales,
  • favoriser de nouvelles collaborations à travers le retour d’expérience des participants,
  • fédérer la communauté nationale autour du projet HYPXIM du CNES.

Afin de privilégier les échanges et de donner la possibilité à un maximum d’organismes de venir présenter et partager leur expérience, un espace est également prévu pour l’affichage de posters et l’installation de stands de démonstration.

Aucun droit d’inscription n’est demandé.

Vous pouvez télécharger le flyer du colloque.

Retrouvez tous les détails sur la page dédiée :

MAHI’13: Methodological Aspects of Hyperspectral Imaging, 14th October 2013, Nice

The University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, the CNRS, and the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur organize the 2nd edition of the one-day workshop Methodological Aspects of Hyperspectral Imaging: MAHI’13.

The scope of the MAHI’13 workshop is to explore new pathways that can potentially lead to breakthroughs in the extraction of the informative content of hyperspectral images. It will bring together researchers involved in hyperspectral image processing and in various innovative aspects of data processing.

This one-day workshop will consist of 5 plenary lectures given by an outstanding lineup of expert researchers: Jón Atli Benediktsson, Mário A.T. Figueiredo, Christine De Mol, Guillermo Sapiro and Richard Heusdens.

Please visit the website

There is no registration fee, but registration is mandatory.

Bilan du colloque EARSeL 2013

La 8ème édition du « EARSeL Special Interest Group in Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop » s’est tenue à la Cité Nantes Events Center à Nantes du 8 au 10 avril 2013. Ce colloque réunit la communauté internationale des utilisateurs de l’imagerie « hyperspectrale » tous les 2 ans depuis 1998. Il avait lieu pour la première fois en France.

Plus de 150 personnes étaient présentes, représentant 18 nationalités. Le colloque s’est ouvert sur deux présentations invitées : « Imaging spectroscopy 2013 – Status and trends » par Andreas Müller, DLR, Allemagne et « Linking image spectroscopy to biodiversity » par le professeur Andrew Skidmore d’ITC – Université de Twente, Pays-Bas. Ont suivi 68 présentations orales et 45 posters couvrant les thèmes suivants :
•    Future IS spaceborne missions
•    Agricultural and forestry applications
•    Data pre-processing – Calibration – Validation
•    Coastal environment and limnology (2 sessions)
•    Terrestrial ecosystems
•    Chlorophyll fluorescence
•    Radiative transfer
•    Soil applications
•    Urban ecosystems
•    Image processing methods and tools
•    Instrument development (2 sessions)
•    Mapping Earth and planetary surfaces
•    Mining environment and other applications

Etaient également présents 10 exposants présentant les derniers développements en équipement (caméras hyperspectrales, spectromètres de terrain, drones, etc.) et de logiciels de traitement (ENVI, ATCOR4, etc.). A noter la présence d’un stand de la SFPT.

Les participants ont beaucoup apprécié l’ambiance conviviale de la Cité qui a permis de nombreuses interactions ainsi que la visite des « Machines de l’île ». Les prochaines éditions seront organisées en 2015 par l’Université de Trier, Allemagne, et en 2017 par l’Université d’Helsinki, Finlande.

EUROSPEC FINAL CONFERENCE – 6 au 8 novembre 2013 à Trente (Italie)

The COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Meeting is organized by Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), and the MUSE Trento Science Museum designed by Renzo Piano.

This premier European meeting focuses on recent research activities in the optical sampling field carried out within the EUROSPEC COST Action (ES0903) and is open to worldwide researchers from the remote sensing, proximal sensing and carbon flux communities.
The congress will end with a field trip (8th November) to visit a field site on the Trentino Alps.
Registration and abstract submission are open until 31st July, and we will communicate  on 31st August which abstracts will be presented as talks.


Papers are being accepted in these areas:

  • Continuous and episodical spectral measurements integrating energy and matter fluxes
  • Spectroradiometer calibration and field measurements issues
  • Cyber-infrastructure, spectral database platforms
  • Upscaling carbon flux measurements using UAV, airborne, satellite optical data
  • Remote and proximal sensing of vegetation Fluorescence

The number of participants will be limited due to lack of space at the MUSE museum.  Participation will be filled on a first-come/first-serve basis, so please register as soon as possible!

Pour plus d’informations :

WHISPERS 2013 – 25 au 28 juin 2013 à Gainesville (Floride, Etats-Unis)

Créée en France en 2009 avec le soutien de la IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), la conférence WHISPERS (Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing) réunit annuellement les spécialistes de l’imagerie hyperspectrale (chercheurs, doctorants et industriels).

Après Grenoble (2009), Reykjavik (Islande, 2010), Lisbonne (Portugal, 2011) et Shanghai (Chine, 2012), WHISPERS se tiendra en Floride en juin 2013. Les papiers présentés lors de la conférence (présentations orales et poster) sont sélectionnés sur la base d’une peer-review avec au moins deux experts pour chaque papier (date limite de soumission des papiers : 15 février 2013).

Pour plus d’informations :

EARSeL 2013 – 8, 9 et 10 avril à Nantes

The European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, the Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes and Nantes University welcome you to the 8th EARSeL Imaging Spectrometry Workshop (8 – 10 April 2013) at La Cité Nantes Events Center – Nantes – France.

EARSeL’s Special Interest Group on Imaging Spectroscopy is a forum whose aim is to encourage international discussions among specialists working with this innovative Earth Observation technology. The forum was founded by EARSeL at the University of Zurich in 1999, led by RSL, who conducted the first workshop. Since then, five more very successful workshops were held at ITC Enschede, the Netherlands (2001), DLR Herrsching, Germany (2003), the University of Warsaw, Warsaw,  Poland (2005), VITO, Brugge, Belgium (2007), Tel Aviv, Israël (2009) and University of Edinburgh, U.K. (2011). The next workshop will take place in Nantes, France, from April 8th to 10th 2013. We invite you to mark your calendar for this important meeting.

The meeting will cover all themes related to imaging spectroscopy. As several spaceborne missions are scheduled for the near future, this workshop is particularly important and will provide a unique opportunity to discuss recent developments in imaging and related spectroscopic methods for environmental research, learn about recent developments in imaging science and thematic and environmental applications at ground, airborne and spaceborne levels, explore the integration of spatial and temporal coverage afforded by imaging instruments with the high spectral resolution data obtained for every pixel, discuss ground-based spectroscopic techniques, such as field spectroscopy and related hyperspectral sensing methods, learn and discuss how these methods can address key environmental issues and new areas of environmental science.

The deadline for submission of abstracts for the meeting is the 17th of December 2012.

Exhibitors and Sponsors: There are a number of opportunities for sponsorship of the meeting and for companies and organizations to exhibit at the meeting. Please contact the conference organizers ( Similarly, any groups wishing to propose special sessions for the meeting, please also contact the conference team, please contact Véronique Carrère.

For more information, please visit the website.